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United Kingdom

United States

Ernesto Sanchez-Triana, PhD
Global Lead for Pollution Management and Circular Economy at The World Bank

Ernesto Sánchez-Triana is the Global Lead for Pollution Management and Circular Economy for the World Bank. He manages the Program on Pollution Management and Environmental Health (PMEH) and the Program on Pollution Management and Circular Economy (PROCLEAN). Ernesto has led the preparation of numerous policy-based programs, investment projects, technical assistance operations, and analytical work in several countries, including Afghanistan, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Bolivia, Brazil, Egypt, Ecuador, India, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mexico, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, and Peru. Before joining the World Bank, he was Professor at the National University of Colombia and Director of Environmental Policy at Colombia’s National Department of Planning. Ernesto also worked for the Inter-American Development Bank. He has authored numerous publications on air quality management, air quality monitoring, circular economy, cleaner production, climate change, country environmental analyses, environmental health, environmental economics, environmental impact assessment, environmental management, environmental sustainability, green growth, sustainable industrial growth, land-based pollution, policy strategic environmental assessments, health risk assessment, sustainable development, and water pollution control. He holds two master of science degrees and a Ph.D. from Stanford University.