

© Sean Gallagher, 2022


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United Kingdom

United States

David Hanrahan, MSc

Principal Technical Advisor at Pure Earth
David Hanrahan, MSc

David Hanrahan is a London based consultant in engineering and environment with more than thirty years experience on international projects and policy. He has professional engineering training; qualifications in natural resources economics; and practical experience in more than twenty developing countries.

His current professional activities are focused on practical solutions to pollution and health challenges worldwide working with Pure Earth and on assignments from international agencies, and have included oversight of a global effort to identify and characterise toxic hot-spots and support for locally led remediation of contaminated sites in Russia, India, China, and several Central Asian countries.

From 1994 to 2006 he held a staff position at the World Bank in Washington dealing with water pollution and waste issues across the Bank’s Regions, including time as Acting Director of the Bank’s Environment Department. Project and policy work for the Bank included environmental remediation costs of coal mines across Russia; urban water and wastewater (China, Brazil, Tunisia, Nigeria, Vietnam); solid and hazardous waste (China, India, Pakistan); industrial development and pollution control (Mexico, Ukraine, Poland, Argentina, Morocco, India, Pakistan, Vietnam); mining remediation (Argentina, Bolivia, Zambia); and protection of Lake Victoria in Africa.

Before joining the World Bank he was a consultant in Australia working on major projects including two years spent in Shanghai developing a wastewater strategy for the Municipality which has resulted in multi-billion dollar investment in the city centre environment. He also led work on the environmental economics of wastewater treatment and reuse, which was followed up with an MSc in natural resources economics from University College London in 1990.

His professional career began in water and wastewater engineering, including supervision of water supply for a copper mine in Iran, and he is a Chartered Engineer in the UK. He obtained an MSc in policy analysis from MIT in 1980, which led into the work on planning and financing of municipal and industrial projects.